Lincs Counsellors Network

“meeting people by meeting people”

Networking on and off line for Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Lincolnshire.

Professional and Trainee

Meet Ups

Attend our meetings face to face or go to formal events as a group. Come along to informal social events arranged by our members.

Online Video Meetings

Alternatively, join us on Zoom for our monthly meetings, presentations, guest. CPD Certificates for topic events.

Share Files

Upload handouts, worksheets and other useful information and share with LCN members.

LCN Meeting

Join a Group and Meet Members

Find common interests and meet other counsellors. Join groups that appeal to you. Option to join our Peer Supervision Group.

Forthcoming Meetings


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Join Us

Add to your CPD and give and receive support from other Counsellors working in Lincolnshire
